Ingri Cassel from
Ever since oil of oregano came out as being a miracle cure for a variety of ailments, I began to hear personal testimonies from close friends. After waiting over six months for one gentleman to write up his story using oil of oregano to resolve literally all of his health problems (a huge list being in his 80s), I decided to write an article on the benefits of this natural product myself. And since I actually have my own testimony with a persistent ear infection that quite literally disappeared after 24 hours of treatment, I am more motivated than ever to incorporate oil of oregano into my daily regimen.
Oregano oil has been touted as a remedy for everything from athlete’s foot to eczema and arthritis. Most of us think of oregano as a culinary herb used primarily in Italian, Greek and Mediterranean cooking. Actually, there are many varieties of oregano.
The oil extracted from the culinary herb is considered similar to the oil extracted from marjoram and basil, all belonging to the Labietea (mint) family of plants. The miraculous virtues of oregano oil are attributed to the amount of carvacrol and thymol the oil actually contains. Carvacrol and thymol are the active ingredients giving the oil its reputable antiseptic properties. The culinary form of oregano, Origanum Compactum, contains about 45 – 65 percent carvacrol and thymol combined, depending on the location of the harvest and distillation methods used. However, it is the wild oregano, Origanum Vulgare, native to the south coast of Turkey and Greece on the Mediterranean Sea that is used for its miraculous medicinal properties, typically having combined carvacrol and thymol levels as high as 90 percent in some plants.
True oil of oregano offers many exciting remedies to a variety of ailments. In Steven Foster’s book, Herbal Renaissance, oregano oil has “been employed to treat indigestion, diarrhea, nervous tension, insect bites, toothache, earache rheumatism, and coughs due to whooping cough and bronchitis (primarily for it’s antispasmodic effects).” Oil of Oregano was a favorite prescription of ancient Greek physicians. Some even refer to it as Biblical medicine, believing that wild oregano was referred to in the Bible as hyssop.
In Cass Ingram’s book, The Cure is in the Cupboard, he notes that “wild oregano is a veritable natural mineral treasure-house, containing a density of minerals that would rival virtually any food.” The wild oregano is rich in a long list of minerals that includes calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, potassium, copper, boron, and manganese. Vitamins C and A (beta carotene) and niacin are also contained in oregano. Judging from its mineral content alone, it isn’t hard to figure out why oregano is such a valuable commodity.
In another of Cass Ingram’s books, Supermarket Remedies, he states that “oregano is one of Nature’s finest preservatives.” He also suggests that if oregano is used with foods such as meat, eggs, milk, or salad, you “will greatly halt the growth of microbes and, thus, reduce the risk of food poisoning.”
Steven Foster attributes the “fungicidal and worm-expellant properties” of oil of oregano to carvacrol and thymol. Cass Ingram adds that these two phenols work synergistically and this is the reason “oil of oregano packs a double punch in antiseptic power and explains why it is infinitely more potent than commercial phenol in microbial killing power.” Ingram adds that “oil of oregano outright destroys all variety of fungi and yeasts, regardless of where they reside.”
Candida albicans, fungal infections and parasites
The potency of the carvacrol and thymol in the oregano oil lends to it being an inexpensive treatment, both internal and externally, for such conditions as athlete’s foot, impetigo, and other skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.
In addition to neutralizing fungal infections, oil of oregano has been used successfully against harmful bacteria and parasites. As Ingram asserts, “oil of oregano’s antiseptic powers are immense…it inhibits the growth of the majority of bacteria, something that prescription antibiotics fail to accomplish.” In the case of parasites, oil of oregano has had success neutralizing worms, amoebae and protozoans.
Oregano may help prevent cell damage caused by free radicals. Of all the plants in the mint family, Oregano is the richest in antioxidants. Free radical reactions are most likely involved in inflammation, degenerative arthritis and the aging process in general. Oregano contains four anti-asthmatic compounds; six compounds that are expectorants; seven that lower blood pressure; and nineteen antibacterial compounds.
Additional uses for oil of oregano are unlimited even being used to relieve diarrhea, intestinal gas, and digestive problems, as well as sore throat and breathing difficulties. Oil of oregano has even been used as a treatment for dandruff, diaper rash, and other skin disorders. Oregano oil should be in everyone’s first aid kit to help neutralize bee stings and many venomous bites until medical attention can be reached.
The name Oregano is derived from the Greek words oros (mountain) and ganos (joy). Although the medicinal oil is not used in cooking, it is used both internally and externally. Since 100 percent pure oregano oil is extremely strong, it is recommended that it be diluted with 100 percent pure extra virgin olive oil — one part oregano oil to ten parts olive oil. However one can use the straight oil when putting it into gel capsules for internal use.
Our friend who began using oregano oil internally found relief from his arthritis and chronic constipation. His skin is clearer and he feels 20 years younger. He hasn’t been plagued by the cold and flu season since incorporating oregano oil into his daily regimen.
Another friend told me she used to have so many problems with her lungs and chronic colds during the winter months until she began using oregano oil. She has never felt better and has used it quite literally as a “cure all” ever since.
Although I could fill this entire page with the multitude of testimonies from people using oregano oil, I felt it was more important to stress the versatility of this oil for many conditions that plague us today. At the end of this page you will find a few stories of avid users of oil of oregano.
The premier features of this product are:
Many chronic diseases are also complicated by persistent infections. Diseases including arthritis, cancer, fibromyalgia, lupus, ulcerative colitis, chronic fatigue syndrome, gastritis, and Crohn’s disease are often treated with pharmaceutical drugs that suppress symptoms rather than treat the cause of the problem. Since antibiotics do not work for these conditions, it is natural antiseptics and nutritional therapies that are the answer.
It takes 200 pounds of wild oregano (Origanum vulgare) to make two pounds of oil. So, as you can see, this is one potent oil and should be in everyone’s first aid kit.
Your trusted source for premium oil extracted from Wild Oregano since 1993. Wild Mediterranean Oregano Oil takes pride in delivering high-quality products. Experience the natural benefits of Oregano drops, get yours today shipped directly to your doorstep in the US and Canada.
Note this site does not contain medical advice nor have any statements regarding this product undergone evaluation by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Furthermore, the product is not designed to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.
Wild Mediterranean Oregano Oil
A Division of ENERGYWISE